August 20, 2021

Sugar, Spice, and a Little Advice…

This is the inaugural advice column for Dear Miss Sweetie—she advises all, including our very own Reese’s Book Club members

Sugar, Spice, and a Little Advice…

This is the inaugural advice column for Dear Miss Sweetie—she advises all, including our very own Reese's Book Club members

Our favorite new YA novel, introduced us to Miss Sweetie, an advice columnist with a secret. We tapped her to tackle modern issues from last week’s Itty Bitty Book Committee member submissions with our first Dear Miss Sweetie column.

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Dear Miss Sweetie,

My friend’s daughter is being bullied at school by girls who think they’re better than her. How should she deal with these mean girls and their bad behavior?

Feeling Helpless (Emily C.)

Dear Feeling Hopeless,

It is often said that parents must be rocks for their children, but I would go a step further. Show her how to be a rock, resilient and poised, letting life’s winds polish her into a gem.

Miss Sweetie

Dear Miss Sweetie,

How is it possible not to give up hope? How can you keep thriving even while the world is coming down on you?


Dear E.B.,

My stand-in father encouraged me to look up at the sky when all seems hopeless, as the changing sky reminds us that troubles are not here to stay. Build a strong web of support to hold you when things get rough, like friends, family, and a good dog.

Miss Sweetie

Dear Miss Sweetie,

What do you do when you have a lot to do and little time to do it?

Paulina D.

Dear Paulina,

Be like the sun and follow a clear path. Set your goals for each day, focus on one thing at a time, and when you reach the horizon, go to bed.

Miss Sweetie

Dear Miss Sweetie,

As a part Asian woman, how can I embrace my identity even though people always either tell me I’m “too Asian” which makes me “weird” or that I’m “not Asian enough.”

Emily B.

Dear Emily,

Winning a horserace often requires one to put on blinders. If you don’t have a pair, an amused smile works just as well.

Miss Sweetie

Dear Miss Sweetie,

If my husband asks me for a favour which involves his family, should I automatically agree to do it, to play my role as a good wife, or am I entitled to say no? I always say no to things that make me uncomfortable, no matter how small the issue is, but then I feel guilty for not helping out my husband. Please help!

Raman G.

Dear Raman,

Is it a reasonable request? I have heard it said that marriage is a series of compromises, but you can’t shake hands if only one hand is extended.

Miss Sweetie

Dear Miss Sweetie,

My friend gave her word to a tennis captain that she’d return to her team after the summer season. Her summer team won first place, the ladies are fun and took care of her when she was injured. Honor your word or stay with the fun, successful team?

Valerie R.

Dear Valerie,

Fun-loving and first-place can change with the seasons, whereas a trustworthy person is evergreen.

Miss Sweetie

Thank you to everyone for your submissions into the Itty Bitty Book Committee last week!