If you stumbled upon a curiously abandoned house, would YOU go inside? Our July Reese's Book Club Pick, The Cliffs by J. Courtney Sullivan, follows main character Jane’s journey as she uncovers the past lives of a home.

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The Complete List of Reese's Book Club Picks

Reese Witherspoon has been recommending her favorite books to readers through Reese's Book Club since 2017. Here is a full list of all Reese's Picks.

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Would You Be Okay Having a Cemetery in Your Backyard?

J. Courtney Sullivan on the house that inspired The Cliffs.

What Scents Suit Your Story?

It turns out, the secret to embracing your Main Character Energy is indulgence. We’re talking total sensory activation, from the words you read on the page to the scent notes that take you through every introspective moment.

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People Watching Leads to Inspiration

Ally Condie on lucky numbers and inspiration when writing The Unwedding

What Audiobook Should You Queue Up?

If stories are the soundtracks to our lives, then audiobooks are where plot meets the play button. Discover the audiobook for you.

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Join the Audiobook Challenge with Reese Witherspoon

Audiobooks have been a game-changer for our book-lover-in-chief to reach her reading goals.

Writing The Unlikeable Female Narrator

Alexene Farol Follmuth on writing Twelfth Knight, our Summer YA Reese's Book Club Pick

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But first…books and coffee. As the official coffee of Reese’s Book Club, Lavazza helps you savor every page. Discover the bold character of this bestseller brew during special moments on Reese’s Book Club.

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We’re going places with Buick. Our partnership introduces the exclusive Reese’s Book Club in-vehicle app, so you can take your favorite picks and podcasts with you on your next adventure.

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