Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris

This was the book that got me out of my reading slump two summers ago. It also proved to be a great inspiration for starting to write a novel of my own. Everyone was talking about it, so I knew I had to read it, but it also proved to me that books were still being read and loved. It was a dark but easy read and once I started, I couldn’t put it down.
Close My Eyes by Sophie McKenzie

I read this on my summer holiday and I was put through a hoop several times, thinking I knew what was going on, only to find out it was something else entirely. I have to force myself not to think too far ahead when I’m reading thrillers – to just enjoy it for what it is – rather than trying to compete with the author to discover the twist before they reveal it. It’s much more pleasurable that way!
I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh

This is one of my favourite books of recent years. I was lost in the story from the very first page, becoming completely immersed as if I was living in Jenna’s world. Clare spent twelve years in the police force, yet although she’s writing from experience, her books are less about police procedure and more about the relationships within, which is what I love to read about.
Lie With Me by Sabine Durrant

This was the first book I read by Sabine and I’m so glad I did as it introduced me to several others that I could follow on with. There’s nothing more exciting than discovering a new author, well, a new author to you at least, knowing that you have a back catalogue to catch up on. It’s like thinking you’ve run out of cookies, only to find a secret stash at the back of the larder that you can feast on for weeks to come!
The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty

I love everything that Liane writes, but this one is up there with my favourites. For me, a good thriller is one that has suspense and humour. I don’t like to get too bogged down by the darkness of a novel, so I appreciate when an author diffuses the tension every once-in-a-while with a light-hearted scene where a character says or does something that really resonates with me. Liane does that with perfect timing.