March 8, 2021

Presenting “To Be Continued…” an Animated Series

Six women authors, five women illustrators, one exquisite corpse

Presenting “To Be Continued…” an Animated Series

Six women authors, five women illustrators, one exquisite corpse

Welcome to “To Be Continued…,” our five-part series with Lavazza that pairs Reese’s Book Club authors with animators for one epic collaboration in honor of International Women’s Day. Deceptions, false identities, and a chainsaw. Turns out when you let women’s imaginations run wild, things get pretty darn interesting!

Chapter One: Untethered

A pregnant woman, a chainsaw, and a shocking revelation walk into a backyard… Anything is possible in our first episode of “To Be Continued…” in collaboration with our Reese’s Book Club author Sandie Jones and animated by Hailley Furkalo.

Watch the first chapter here!

Chapter Two: The Kill Switch

Tensions rise as identities are revealed in the second installment. Turn up the volume for author Balli Jaswal’s chapter animated by Caro Lopez Corominas. You won’t want to miss a frame.

Watch the second chapter here!

Chapter Three: Spin Cycle

Flip straight to your bookmark for author Denise Mina’s next installation. What will happen between Lynsey, a cup of Lavazza coffee, and the titular ‘Spin Cycle?’ Pay close attention to the animations of Helena Bonastre, because Lynsey’s fortune might just be changing.

Watch the third chapter here!

Chapter Four: Skewered

Lynsey is forced to get creative when a ghost from her past returns, threatening more than just Lynsey’s friends. The stakes, or should we say, “skewers,” are high in Yangsze Choo’s chapter, animated by Sara Spånghagen Öijerstedt. Keep your wits about you.

Watch the fourth chapter here!

Chapter Five: The Toast

Lynsey finally confronts what, or rather who, has been trailing her all along in our fifth and final chapter. Author Liv Constantine and animator Dorota Sloma bring a motive to life and put the real culprits to bed.

Watch the fifth chapter here!