August 29, 2024

The Not-So-Secret VoCLUBulary

We’re redefining what it means to be a book club, one not-so-secret word at a time.

The Not-So-Secret VoCLUBulary

We’re redefining what it means to be a book club, one not-so-secret word at a time.

ARC (n.) [ədˈvans] [rēder] [ˈkäpē] Advance Reader Copies of books we’re curious about and can’t wait to dive into, so we ask to see them before everyone else. Pickiness has its perks.

Book Desert (n.) [bo͝ok] [ˈdezərt] Geographic area or place lacking in access to books, also what The Readership aims to correct so we can get more of us reading together.

Book Joy Forever (interj.) [bo͝ok] [joi] [fəˈrevər] A thing we SHOUT or hashtag with all the exclamation points when we finish a book. See also Reese’s Book Club rallying cry.

Book Lover (n.) [bo͝ok] [ˈləvər] YOU and all the members of Reese’s Book Club. Anyone who’s picked up a book and found themselves lost between the sheets…of paper.

Book Nook (n.) [bo͝ok] [no͝ok] A bright, book-filled space we build together. See Book Desert.

CamREADerie (n.) [kämərēdərē] The feeling and connection you get from sharing your book joy and bonding over a great page, passage or pick.

Clue Countdown (n.) [ kloo ] [ kount-doun ] A monthly mystery that puts your book smarts to the test and challenges you to sleuth out our next book pick. The lead-up to our Pick Party, also your chance to win $1000 in books to the indie bookshop of your choice 

DNF (n.) [dɪd] [nät] [/ˈfiniSH] A book (no judgement) that required you to make an early exit. It happens.

Itty Bitty Book Committee (n.) [it-ee ] [bit-ee] [bo͝ok] [ kuh-mit-ee ] A super-snackable club chat that’s sized for the moments when you don’t have time for a deep dive, but you still want to share your book joy. Also polls, activities, and guessing games 

Pick Party (n.) [pik] [pahr-tee] The big reveal. The most fun way to discover the newest Reese’s Book Club pick so you can get your hands on it before everyone else and your source for PPPs.

PPP (n.) [pik] [pärdē] [prəˈzents] Notification-worthy presents that give you a reason to mark your calendars and get your thumbs to the Pick Party. Also, a sweet perks of Club membership.

The Readership (n.) [rēdərˌSHip] Our pay it forward platform that harnesses the power of our members to lift others and advance book joy.

VIP (n.) [verē] [imˈpôrtnt] [pāj] VERY IMPORTANT (all caps-worthy) PAGE! This page is literally everything. Mic drops, plot twists, amazing prose, we’re here for all of it.

Weeknighter (n.) [ week-nahyt-r] A leave-space-in-your calendar club chat where we’ll dive deep and connect with our stories, authors, and Reese like never before. BYO-book, this is where pages will be turned, highlights, and dissected, chat by chat 

Weekender (n.) [ week-end-r ] A stretched-out club chat that gives us a little more space to question, discuss, and read between every last line. Expect authors to delve into inspiration and all the juicy details, plus surprise guests and prizes for participation!